Publishing of job positions created in TUHUND is very simple and flexible. We will assume you do not know how to create job positions. Therefore, we will start with instructions for creating job positions.
Creation of new job position on TUHUND
Please go to human resource management module by clicking on the HR button in the top ribbon. Look for icon "Recruitment" and click on it. You will find "Job Positions" button on the top right corner. Please click on that. In the next page, which is erp >> hr >>recruitment >> job positions, you will find add button on the top right corner. Clicking that button will open "Add new job position form." In case you have access to more than one branch or entity, you will first see the select branch screen. Please click on the branch/entity for which you want to create the record. Fill the required details in the form and submit. You new job position is created.
Publishing of new job position to TUHUND recruitment sub-portal
New job positions created do not automatically become public in any way. You will need to select the positions that you wish to make public, even on TUHUND recruitment sub-portal. To do so, please go to recruitment sub-module under human resource module once again. You will find "publish" button on the top right corner of the page. Please click it. In the next page, you will see the preview of the content that will be published on the TUHUND recruitment sub-portal. If the content looks alright, please click on "Save" button.
Publishing on other portals
For publishing on other portals and third party websites, three APIs are available. Please click on "API" button on the top right corner of the same page. You will see all three API and you can choose the best suited API for integration.
XML API gives you maximum flexibility of parsing the content in any way you like. It gives you all the content associated with the job positions made public and you can choose as per your requirement.
Though HTML API is slightly rigid compared to XML API, it still lets you add your own styles. You can open the API in browser, check the class names of different elements and create the css accordingly.
3. I-Frame
I-Frame is easiest to integrate. It is just a line of text that you need to copy and paste on the other website.
Please note, integration on each portal is one time job. The content is fetched from your TUHUND on runtime. Therefore, whatever changes you make in TUHUND will reflect in all portals and websites where you have placed any of the three APIs
Creation of new job position on TUHUND
Please go to human resource management module by clicking on the HR button in the top ribbon. Look for icon "Recruitment" and click on it. You will find "Job Positions" button on the top right corner. Please click on that. In the next page, which is erp >> hr >>recruitment >> job positions, you will find add button on the top right corner. Clicking that button will open "Add new job position form." In case you have access to more than one branch or entity, you will first see the select branch screen. Please click on the branch/entity for which you want to create the record. Fill the required details in the form and submit. You new job position is created.
Publishing of new job position to TUHUND recruitment sub-portal
New job positions created do not automatically become public in any way. You will need to select the positions that you wish to make public, even on TUHUND recruitment sub-portal. To do so, please go to recruitment sub-module under human resource module once again. You will find "publish" button on the top right corner of the page. Please click it. In the next page, you will see the preview of the content that will be published on the TUHUND recruitment sub-portal. If the content looks alright, please click on "Save" button.
Publishing on other portals
For publishing on other portals and third party websites, three APIs are available. Please click on "API" button on the top right corner of the same page. You will see all three API and you can choose the best suited API for integration.
XML API gives you maximum flexibility of parsing the content in any way you like. It gives you all the content associated with the job positions made public and you can choose as per your requirement.
Though HTML API is slightly rigid compared to XML API, it still lets you add your own styles. You can open the API in browser, check the class names of different elements and create the css accordingly.
3. I-Frame
I-Frame is easiest to integrate. It is just a line of text that you need to copy and paste on the other website.
Please note, integration on each portal is one time job. The content is fetched from your TUHUND on runtime. Therefore, whatever changes you make in TUHUND will reflect in all portals and websites where you have placed any of the three APIs
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